Weird News, Ghosts and the Paranormal.

Posts tagged “Urban Legend

Ghostly Pics: Charlie Noonan’s Demon Woman

Charles noonan photo old woman ghost

When I first started this website, finding material to write about was pretty easy, especially when it came to this site’s most popular category, Ghostly Pics.

From years of casual paranormal reading, I had a mental list of the infamous purported paranormal photos I wanted to write about: The Toys R Us Ghost, The Tulip Staircase Ghosts, The strange figure captured on CCTV from Hampton Court and of course, the photograph this site has become most ‘famous’ for covering, The Amityville Ghost Boy.

However, one photograph, which happened to be one of the creepiest pics I had ever laid eyes on, eluded me. Not because it did not have a great story behind it or because the image was not available to me, but because News From The Spirit World has always taken a skeptical approach to the paranormal, albeit with a ‘I want to believe’ attitude as well.

Recently this photo appeared on Reddit’s /r/creepy sub, and it came with an explanation in the comments about a picture that still gives me the chills every time I look into the eyes of this almost demonic looking old woman.

It gets creepier when you realize this image may have been the last thing a man saw before he vanished off the face of the Earth.


Seattle Kids Part of Halloween Experiment in 1976


Halloween is a time for some creepy urban legends, most of which are more fiction then fact.

Recently, I wrote about my own Halloween related childhood urban legend for the Dolphin Talk newspaper out of Seadrift, Texas. It involved a reported ‘Witch’ who pulled kids inside her house when they went Trick or Treating.

This of course, was all hogwash, rubbish and fantasy.

It has been said however that truth can be stranger then fiction.

A recent post by the excellent website IO9 brought to light a psychological experiment conducted by researchers on Trick or Treaters in Seattle, Washington in the Fall of 1976.


Ghostly Pics: San Antonio Railroad Ghosts

RailroadGhost texas san antonio best ghost pics news from the spirit world

Everything is bigger in Texas, including their paranormal tales and urban legends. Why have just one ghost when it could be a whole school bus of children, who tragically got hit by a train while crossing a set of tracks just outside San Antonio?

That is the basis for one of the most interesting tales of paranormal activity in the modern era as well as one of the most captivating photographs of purported ghostly phenomena.


Three Men and a Baby Ghost: (Paranormal Cardboard)

This is an urban legend I once fell hook, line and sinker for.

I first heard of the ‘ghost boy’ who appeared in the film Three Men and a Baby when my dad told me about it after reading the story in a magazine. The story said that if you went to a certain part of the movie, a little boy could be seen in the background and that little boy had died in the apartment the film was shot in.

In short, the little boy in the background of the film…was a ghost.


Detroit Banishes Red Gremlin (Nain Rouge)

The Nain Rouge, or the Red Dwarf, is a urban legend that began way back in 1701.

It involves the city of Detroit and the city’s founder, Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac. According to legend, Cadillac had a run in with the red colored creature while settling in the Motor City way before it was the…uh Motor City.
