Weird News, Ghosts and the Paranormal.

Real Fear Reveals Truth of Amityville/Poltergeist Films

Christopher Lutz was just seven years old when he lived in the house at 112 Ocean Ave in Amityville, and now he wants to tell his side of what really happened in the house that became the basis for the film The Amityville Horror…

Lucille Herrmann was also pretty young at just 13 years of age when the ‘Popper’ poltergeist changed her family’s life forever in 1958, a story later to be made into the film Poltergeist in 1982…

Christopher Lutz and Lucille Herrmann recently were interviewed for the program Real Fear: The Truth Behind The Movies, which endeavors to reveal the true stories behind the two blockbuster horror classics.

While both individuals maintain there was definitely something paranormal going on in both cases, they also reveal that not all was as Hollywood presented it.

112 Ocean Ave in Amityville

In Christopher Lutz’s case, he says that the Amityville Horror was most likely caused by his stepfather George Lutz being into the occult. Although George and Kathy Lutz both admitted to practicing transcendental meditation at the time of the haunting, neither claimed to have any other involvement with any supernatural or paranormal activity’s:

“The story that my parents put forward is that it was the house’s fault, [George Lutz] says he had no knowledge of the occult, but he did. That was the trigger. To do what he was doing in that house was sure to cause a problem,”

Lutz also reveals that while the fictional Luz family may have escaped the repercussions of the twenty eight days the family spent in the haunted house, the real life Chris Lutz still is affected by those long ago events:

“Whatever it is has remained in our lives, I call on Jesus Christ when it flares up, and it seems to be a cycle of some sort.”

Herrmann ‘Popper’ House-Long island

Meanwhile Lucille Herrmann’s case is quite different. Her haunting was one of the first widely publicized true ghost story’s in the world, with the case appearing on television and the cover of Life magazine.

It started with bottles popping their tops and throughout the publicity and mayhem that followed Lucille and her family endured stress and strain from all the media attention as well as the ghostly goings on inside the house.

Lucille had not returned to the site of her experiences with the spirit world for fifty eight years before returning to the site for Real Fear:

“I felt I had my own nightmare. But when I was back in the old neighborhood, it all came back — nothing had changed, except the roof of the house. Back in 1990, the owners put a second story on the house. That made it easier. There was no emotion.”

She also talked about what it was like to live with ‘Popper’:

“All of a sudden, you’d hear this loud noise, like a popping bottle sound, and you’d look around and find a bottle that was 12 feet away from where it was supposed to be and all the contents were missing and the bottle was hot to the touch.”

With both of these cases taking place in Long island and only about seven miles apart, Real Fear host and paranormal investigator Katrina Weidman feels that it may be more then just coincidence:

“Long Island is a hot spot and I believe it’s because any place where there once were a lot of Native Americans seems to have a lot of paranormal activity.”

Real Fear: The Truth Behind the Movies can be seen on Chiller TV


(Via Huffington Post)

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3 responses

  1. Jay

    i REALLY wish yaull woulda said something to the authorities about Popper , back in 1976. Ronnie Defeo , should be in jail THAT long. He shouldve served some time but not 6 concecutive life sentences…j/s

    November 23, 2014 at 10:18 PM

  2. Jay


    November 23, 2014 at 10:19 PM

  3. Jay

    And to think those two , (Goerge&Kathy) , took that to their graves huh ?

    November 23, 2014 at 10:23 PM

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